How to manage your SEO in Bullet:

Generally, in WordPress or Webflow, you have to manually do many optimizations and install plugins in terms of SEO. But Bullet sites come with SEO friendly optmization by default without the need of any manual interventions.

1. Speed:

All our websites are powered by HTML and CSS. We deliver your content through 275+ data centres spread across the world, So no matter where your users are located we make sure they get super fast loading speeds. Right now, we are 90-95 in terms of Page Speed Insights.

2. Security:

We automatically provide an SSL for all your sites. We are at B+ rating for security in Mozilla observatory score which is on par with Webflow and much more than site builders like WordPress or Carrd which have a D rating.

3. Image Optmization and Cache:

We optimize all the images without the need of any plugins, and cache your website into our data centres located across the world.

4. Adding Metadata for Bullet sites

Bullet makes it very comfortable for you to add and manage your SEO metadata. There are two ways to manage SEO metadata.

  • Managing your metadata in your Notion.

For all the pages, there are reserved properties in your Notion database. You can configure your "Meta Title", "Meta Description", "Meta Keywords" and “The SLUG” using the the columns in your database.

  • Configuring metadata inside the site dashboard

You can navigate to the pages section of your site, go to individual pages and select the SEO option shown there and edit the metadata directly though the dashboard over-riding the metadata from the Notion database.

5. Image Alt tags

Add a caption to your image when you it in your Notion image and Bullet will automatically convert the caption to alt tags.

6. JSON-LB schema for Bullet

Bullet will automatically generate your JSON-LB schemas for all the blog articles that you write. You don't have to worry about installing plugins any 3rd part plugins since Bullet takes care of everything for you.

7. SEO Indexing your pages.

You can navigate to the pages section of your site, go to individual pages and toggle the SEO index button to index your page and vice versa. By default all your published page will have SEO indexing enabled.